Main Page
Welcome to the TASTE wiki!
TASTE is a set of freely-available tools dedicated to the development of embedded, real-time systems. It is developed by the European Space Agency together with a set of partners from the space industry.
TASTE promotes the combined use of formal description techniques (AADL, SDL, MSC, ASN.1) with strongly typed programming languages (Ada) and other system-level modelling tools (Simulink, VHDL) and coding languages (C, C++).
The tools run on the Debian Linux operating system and are available in a pre-installed virtual machine.
TASTE addresses system architecture, data and behavior modelling and allows to generate low-level code for micro-controllers and distributed, communicating systems. Various platform are supported : x86/Linux, Raspberry Pi, MSP430 with FreeRTOS, STM32 with the GNAT Runtime or FreeRTOS, Leon2/Leon3 with RTEMS, as well as targets including FPGA components. It is open and extensible.
TASTE fields of research include simulation, model checking, software correctness by construction, documentation generation, and in general improvement of the software development lifecycle through automation.
TASTE Ecosystem, Overview and Screenshots
- Overview
- TASTE consortium
- Start here: TASTE Step by step tutorial
- Tutorial / Case study : Build a publish-subscribe design pattern
- Model-based SW Engineering of Real time systems: a methodology
TASTE installation
Documentation and presentations
- Supported target architectures
- Publications related to TASTE
- TASTE Semantics
- IF model-checking
- Spin Model Checker GUI manual
- COMPASTA: Integration of the TASTE and COMPASS toolsets
- Technical topic: Advanced testing with MSC and Python scripts
- Technical topic: OpenGEODE, an SDL editor for TASTE
- Technical Topic : Detailed_SDL_tutorial
- Technical Topic : MSC tutorial
- Technical topic: OpenGEODE - Design pattern: How to emulate the SAVE symbol
- Technical topic: OpenGEODE - SDL Operators: How to work with data
- Technical topic: ASN1SCC - ESA's ASN.1 Compiler for safety-critical embedded platforms
- Technical topic: ASN.1 - An introduction to ACN
- Technical topic: Hints to model complex packet encodings with ASN.1 and ACN
- Technical topic: ASN.1 and SQL mapping
- Technical topic: Use of timers in user code with TASTE
- Technical topic: Manage interface priorities
- Technical topic: FPGAs in TASTE
- Technical topic: Code Coverage
- Technical topic: Add a new target platform to TASTE
- Technical topic: Kazoo templating engine
- Technical topic: Port a legacy TASTE project to Kazoo
- Technical topic: Understand the code generation strategy
- Technical topic: TASTE on MSP430 with FreeRTOS
- Technical topic: SAMV71 Runtime
- Technical topic: SedsConverter
- Technical topic: C++ Components and AIR IO Partitions
- Technical topic: MSC streamer
- Technical topic: Interface View streamer
- Technical topic: Import/Export of Components in TASTE
- Technical topic: Customize auto-generated GUIs with custom widgets
- Scheduling analysis with the TASTE CV Graphical Editor
- Work in progress: Technical topic: TASTE Communication Device