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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000851Taste[All Projects] OpenGeodepublic2019-03-29 10:402023-11-01 12:58
Assigned Tomaxime 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version

Fake types in autocomplete list


When declaring variables in a text box, OpenGeode offers autocomplete options as the SDL type name is keyed in. Some of these options do not correspond to types in the ASN.1 model (they appear to have been invented internally by the ASN.1 compiler).

For example, the following ASN.1

T-MyEnum ::= ENUMERATED {e1, e2 ,e3 ,e4 , e5, e6, e7, e8}
T-MyCompound ::= SEQUENCE {
a T-MyEnum(e1),
b T-MyEnum(e2),
c T-MyEnum(e3),
d T-MyEnum(e4),
e T-MyEnum(e5),
f T-MyEnum(e6),
g T-MyEnum(e7),
h T-MyEnum(e8)
T-MySequence ::= SEQUENCE {
x T-MyCompound,
y T-UInt16

This gives me autocomplete options T_MySequence_a, T_MySequence_b, etc (see attached screenshot). I did not define these types - they may be necessary for implementation reasons but I would prefer not to see them in the autocomplete list. My ASN.1 model is quite big and it's sometimes hard to spot the types I actually want amongst all the fake ones.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2019-03-29 10-29-53.png [^] (79,414 bytes) 2019-03-29 10:40

- Relationships

-  Notes
maxime (administrator)
2022-12-05 20:03

These types only exist for anonymous types.
Having them visible allows to create variables that can then be used to fill in the values of the record fields. This proves useful in some situations.
I could add an option "Hide anonymous types" in a menu? Would that be a good solution for you?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-03-29 10:40 shd01 New Issue
2019-03-29 10:40 shd01 Status

new => assigned

2019-03-29 10:40 shd01 Assigned To

=> maxime

2019-03-29 10:40 shd01 File Added: Screenshot from 2019-03-29 10-29-53.png
2022-12-05 20:03 maxime Note Added: 0003818
2023-11-01 12:58 maxime Status

assigned => closed

2023-11-01 12:58 maxime Resolution

open => no change required

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