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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000954Taste[All Projects] TASTE-IV/DVpublic2022-11-27 11:342023-05-14 16:51
Assigned Tomaxime 
PlatformOSOS Version

Edit status dialog occludes main TASTE window


In Space Creator, if an SDL function is edited, a status dialog pops up which can not be minimised or dismissed. It covers up some of the TASTE window, which makes it difficult to look at the interface view. The dialog can't be closed without ending the OpenGeode session.

Steps To Reproduce

Open an SDL function in OpenGeode. Switch to the interface view and try to close the dialog.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2022-11-27 11-27-38.png [^] (189,453 bytes) 2022-11-27 11:34

- Relationships

-  Notes
maxime (administrator)
2022-11-27 16:13

I have forwarded the request to Viking SW

shd01 (reporter)
2022-12-11 13:17

This appears to be resolved.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-11-27 11:34 shd01 New Issue
2022-11-27 11:34 shd01 Status

new => assigned

2022-11-27 11:34 shd01 Assigned To

=> ellidiss

2022-11-27 11:34 shd01 File Added: Screenshot from 2022-11-27 11-27-38.png
2022-11-27 16:09 maxime Assigned To

ellidiss => maxime

2022-11-27 16:13 maxime Note Added: 0003814
2022-12-11 13:17 shd01 Note Added: 0003823
2023-05-14 16:50 maxime Status

assigned => closed

2023-05-14 16:51 maxime Resolution

open => fixed

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